What is Life in the Liberated Zone?

globe w flags marking liberated zones

Life in the Liberated Zone What is Life in the Liberated Zone? Around the world and throughout history, movements resisting oppression and fighting for freedom from domination create liberated zones. These spaces serve as refuges, rearguard spaces, and places of protection, nurture, regrouping, and material sustaining of struggles fro social transformation.  In these spaces participants […]

Fair Portrayal Protects Activists

activist stereotypes

How does full and fair representation of activists in fiction help protect activists doing their risky work in the belly of the Beast?

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What are Liberated Zones?


What are Liberated Zones? A tent dwelling in Occupy DC, one of the many anti-capitalist communities of the worldwide Occupy Movement that experimented with collective, cooperative means of organizing daily life as they protested inequality. Standing Rock, North Dakota, “liberated zone” in the struggle of  Indigenous peoples and allies to protect Earth and humanity from […]

What is the Beast?

Activist in jaws of the Beast

What is the Beast? “The Beast” is an often-used metaphor for the system of inequality, exploitation, destruction and oppression we live in and struggle against, across history, around the globe, and in our own colonized minds and bodies. Capitalism and imperialism are the Beast, but the Beast also encompasses older social inequalities, irrationalities, isms and […]

What’s Love got to do with Activist Culture?

The Activist Experience: a graphic narrative


A story in pictures of some of the delights, dilemmas and dangers of being an activist.

Protecting Activists

Do Activists Need Protecting? After all, activists are generally the ones who make sure that others are protected, the vulnerable and oppressed everywhere. Activists are the first responders in the face of injustice, demanding immediate aid and rescue for people in bad situations of all kinds, and also calling for long term transformation of the […]

What exactly do you mean by love?

We need to understand the nature of love in the activist community, to protect it from the constant attacks of the Beast.

Fiction for Protection?

Once upon a time scroll

Stories connecting people with authentic activist s/heros, showing how they live, love and create movements, can make it harder to marginalize and harm real-life activists.