Where are the Social Movements in Fiction?

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Amidst the upsurge of racial justice and other popular movements, where is the fiction showing us the drama and adventure of activism?

Fair Portrayal Protects Activists

activist stereotypes

How does full and fair representation of activists in fiction help protect activists doing their risky work in the belly of the Beast?

Fiction for Protection?

Once upon a time scroll

Stories connecting people with authentic activist s/heros, showing how they live, love and create movements, can make it harder to marginalize and harm real-life activists.

Fiction for Organizers

Stories of Our People (SOOP)

Fiction featuring activists and activist settings, portrayed authentically and challenging stereotypes, could be a powerful tool for organizing.

Neighborhood Novelists in the Wall’s Shadow

Working hard on Zombie Elementary

Neighborhood Novelists in the Wall’s Shadow US-Mexico Border Collective Novel-Writing Project [More info soon…]

Billy Elliot: Soaring Dancer, Sinking Union

Union organizers and strikers get attacked from many directions. Turns out this also includes dance movies.